What Does Liver Cleanse Cure?
Cleansing is not a mechanical or surgical process. You cleanse the liver by consuming certain foods that consist mostly of cleansing agents like Epsom salt, olive oil and grapefruit. Although there are different liver cleanse programs, generally a cleanse involves eliminating processed foods and eating a special high fiber diet for a period of one day, several days or a week. Fasting is also usually part of a liver cleanse as well.
A liver cleanse may help remove gallstones. The liver produces bile, which is delivered to the intestine through bile ducts from the common bile duct attached to the gall bladder. When you consume cholesterol or protein, the gall bladder gets squeezed, and empties the bile into the intestine. When gallstones are present, they act as a kind of obstacle to proper emptying. Improper utilization of fats and nutrients by the body results. In their early stages, gallstones are so minute that even scans and x-rays don't detect them. A liver cleanse can help prevent the formation of gallstones because when you eat proper foods to cleanse the liver, the gallbladder also becomes cleansed and some of the pressure on the gallbladder is relieved. When gallstones exist already, a liver cleanse can help by causing pressure to build up in the liver which will force small gallstones to dissolve or to be passed from the body.
Other Possible Conditions
Since the liver is a primary digestive organ, a proper liver cleanse also can correct some symptoms of poor digestion, such as dry skin, fatigue, acne, rashes and constipation. The liver is also linked to moods so a liver cleanse also can keep depression in check. A liver cleanse also may help cure bloating, bad breath, irritable bowel syndrome and an overworked immune system. Since the liver coordinates with the intestine to clear fat from the body, a liver cleanse may be a good starting point for a weight loss program and can help improve circulation. The website Ultimate Herpes Rescue also suggests that a liver cleanse may be useful in a patient who has herpes on the lymph nodes and the lower spine.