Alcohol Treatment in Chennai
Alcohol Addiction
According to the Mayo Clinic, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to health problems like cancers, heart health damage, stroke, suicidal thoughts and even sudden death in people with cardiovascular disease. Drinking alcohol takes a toll on your health and relationships. Seek help from family, friends and professionals. For many patients, quitting on their own is difficult and impossible.
Expert Insight
The problem of alcohol abuse in the coastal areas of Chennai has been a main issue once Tsunami affected the area in December 2004.
According to the report Alcohol Abuse among the Coastal Communities in Chennai District, 52.8 percent of men were dependent on alcohol after the epidemic. The reasons attributed were diverse: Trauma, lack of work and access to liquor. Majority of the people interviewed including the individuals expressed the need for drinking and 28.17 percent wanted them to be treated.
Many organizations in urban Chennai deal with alcohol addiction management. The T. T. Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation situated in Indira Nagar is a pioneer, voluntary organization dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of people addicted to alcohol and other drugs.
Wisdom Hospital, unit of Savitha Charitable Trust also helps individuals to reduce alcohol abuse followed by total abstinence and promotes positive changes to enhance their lives.
A team of physicians, psychologists, social workers, counselors and nursing staff leads the therapeutic residential treatment program in Chennai. The treatment includes detoxification for the patient and psychological therapy where the families are encouraged to participate as well. Follow-up and aftercare is included.
Once the doctors admit patients to the detoxification unit, they monitor and study withdrawal symptoms. After the condition stabilizes and withdrawal symptom eases, patient participates in educative lectures, counseling and relaxation therapy, as a part of psychological therapy.
Rehabilitation aims at improving patients' relationship with his family. Family counseling is encouraged to help members understand the sensitivities involved. Support groups like Alcohol Anonymous, Al-Anon and Alateen are introduced to patients and families.
Most organizations continue follow-up for five years. It involves medical review, individual and family counseling, relapse prevention program and continued meetings with the Alcohol Anonymous.