How to Maintain My Testosterone Levels
Maintain a healthy body weight. Exercising regularly at least 30 minutes a day can help maintain and raise testosterone levels in men. If you are excessively overweight, this can lower testosterone, so it is important to achieve a healthy weight.
Complete heavy lifting exercises that only allow you to do about five repetitions and three sets of exercise. -
Lose weight slowly if you are trying too--not more than one to two pounds per week. Losing weight too quickly can trick your body into starvation mode and may cut or decrease testosterone production.
Consume a healthy, balanced diet that is low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables. Eat monounsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol. Canola, peanuts and olive oil have been shown to raise testosterone levels. Your daily intake of fat should not exceed 30 percent of the food you eat daily.
Get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Studies have shown not giving your body adequate rest can decrease testosterone levels, according to
Limit your alcohol beverage intake to not more than three glasses per day. Alcohol can affect the endocrine system, which in return can alter testosterone levels.
Consider testosterone hormone medication if none of these methods help you increase or maintain your levels. Your physician can help you weigh the benefits and risks.