Pilates Exercises for a Dropped Foot
Piriformis Stretch
A dropped foot may be caused by a number of conditions and deficiencies in the body, or by surgery or a bad sprain. It usually results in a hanging foot, which drags and causes an abnormal walk. While a doctor should recommend a course of treatment due to the varying nature of the condition, some Pilates exercises are often used to help remedy a dropped foot.
While many people aren't familiar with the piriformis muscle, it is one of the important muscles responsible for hip movement and proper gait. A Pilates piriformis stretch can help restore function to this muscle, and result in a less noticeable dropped foot. To perform the stretch, sit on the Pilates mat with your legs out straight. Then, bending the leg suffering from foot drop at the knee, pull it slowly up to your chest. Another piriformis stretch is completed by facing the ground with one leg behind you and the other angled inward. Slowly lean toward the ground until you feel a stretch, and then release.
Hamstring Stretch
The hamstring (back of the thigh) stretch also helps to lessen the symptoms of a dropped foot. Lie on your Pilates mat in the Relaxed Position, and try to get comfortable. (Pilates breathing exercises are obviously very helpful!) Raise the affected leg into the air and place a band or a piece of fabric under the foot. Breathing in fully, lift the leg toward the face. Stretch out the knee as far as it can go without becoming painful. For the best results, angle the foot toward the face, hold a breath for about 20 seconds, and release the breath and the raised leg slowly.
Additional Help
Leg, ankle and foot stretches may be aided by the use of orthotics, which will realign the foot while allowing it to rest. Orthotics can be formed by podiatrists and placed into most athletic shoes to help while an individual is working out. Combining the piriformis and hamstring stretches with other stretches---according to the recommendation of your doctor---will also help the dropped foot to heal properly. Try Pilates stretches for the quadriceps (front of the thigh) or even the spine. The Achilles' tendon (your heel) will also benefit from Pilates, and will result in a stronger result when you are finished with therapy.