Easy Activities for Handicapped Elderly
Day Trips
Short trips to hear a lecture, watch a play, visit an art gallery or go out to lunch with friends give the handicapped elderly a change of environment, the chance to see or learn something new and the opportunity to meet new people. Sometimes the nursing home has a special fund that pays for these trips, so the elderly don't have to stay behind because of a tight budget.
Transportation is provided to these special events, and they can be transported in a special van if they're in a wheelchair, and the driver has special controls to lift them on and off the van.
Most places they visit have special accommodations for the handicapped, including wider bathrooms and places to park their wheelchair while they enjoy the event.
Musical Events
According to seniors-site.com, the handicapped elderly can "listen quietly, or actively participate in the music, depending on their abilities." Group singalongs allow them to request their favorite tunes, and if they're not shy about being in front of a group, they can lead the singing.
Concerts given by church groups, individual singers or by someone playing a musical instrument, gives them the chance to meet new people and usually there is time after the concert to socialize with friends or members of the community.
Water Exercises
Community pools may offer easy water exercises that focus on range of motion exercises and exercises that increase their mobility and strengthen their muscles. These classes are especially helpful if they suffer from high blood pressure, arthritis or physical limitations, or if they have had joint replacement.
Birthday Parties
Attending a birthday party with nursing home friends and family, makes the handicapped elderly feel special and brings back pleasant memories of past birthdays. Eating birthday cake is chance to enjoy a sweet treat and puts a smile on their face.
They can play games, sing songs and watch the birthday honoree open his gifts, and there's time to visit with everyone before the party is over.