How to Cure Roundworms
Things You'll Need
- Anti-parasitic medications
Pinworm Infections
Take anti-parisitic medication, such as pyrantel or albendazole, as prescribed by a physician. Since pinworms can easily spread from person to person, you and your entire family will need to be treated.
Take the medications for the recommended course of time. Don't stop taking the medications during your treatment, as you may not kill all the adult worms and larvae if you do.
Try not to scratch your anal region. The female migrates to your anus at night to lay her eggs, which results in symptoms of itching. Ask your physician to prescribe you a medicated anti-itch ointment if your symptoms are bothersome.
If you've been prescribed an anti-itch ointment for your anal region, always wash your hands after applying the cream. Pay close attention to the cleaning of your nails, making sure to thoroughly wash underneath your nails.
Wash your bedding and clothes in the hottest settings on your washing machine. Dry your bedding and clothes on the hottest dryer setting for at least 20 minutes.
Trichinella are parasitic worms that are ingested when you eat contaminated foods. Ingesting the worms will result in trichinosis. To clear an infection, take anti-parasitic medications as prescribed by your physician. You may need an additional course of medications to completely eradicate the worms.
Trichinella parasites can cause muscle aches once the worms invade your intestinal tract. If over-the-counter medications don't work to alleviate pain, ask your physician for stronger pain medications.
Since trichinosis can be caused by eating undercooked meat, always cook your food thoroughly to prevent a reinfection. Only drink water that has been purified or that is bottled.
Ascarid Infection
Take anti-parasitic medications. You'll need to give your physician stool samples during the course of your treatment to ensure that the worms have been eradicated.
According to the Mayo Clinic, surgery may be necessary in incidences of "heavy infestation." If you have an intestinal blockage or develop appendicitis as a result of an ascarid infection, you'll need surgery.
Ascarids are one of the most common roundworm infections of dogs and cats. Treating an infected pet means deworming your pet regularly to prevent infestations from occurring.
To prevent a zoonotic (from animal to human) infection from occurring, always clean your pet's soiled areas promptly. Eggs from ascarids are excreted along with your pet's feces. If your pet's feces is not removed, the eggs can remain in your yard and hatch, and the larvae will then be able to infect you.
If you have a sandbox, keep it covered. After your children play outside, wash their hands, as well as yours. Never walk barefoot in your back yard when your pet has a roundworm infection since the larvae of roundworms find hosts by burrowing into the heels of its host.