Why Does Frequent Urination Occur?
Some conditions are known to cause an overactive bladder. They include diabetes, poor kidney function, bladder tumors or stones, and acute urinary tract infections. Other causes may include involuntary bladder contractions, excessive caffeine and fluid intake, and certain medications.
Risk Factors
Older people are more susceptible to an overactive bladder because they are more prone to infections and illnesses that cause the condition.
This condition can cause those who suffer with it to become emotionally distressed or depressed. An overactive bladder can not only cause a person to have to urinate more frequently; it can also cause urinary leakage which can be depressing and embarrassing.
Some cases of an overactive bladder can be prevented by limiting caffeine and fluid intake, taking care of infections, and treating the conditions that cause it.
Treatments for this condition include fiber, exercises, medications to relax the bladder, and in severe cases, surgery. All of these treatments will help calm the bladder and relieve the urge to urinate as frequently.