How to Increase Blood Circulation to Limbs
Expose the affected limbs to hot and cold water therapy, also known as hydrotherapy. Run a hot shower and place the affected body parts underneath the running water for a few minutes, causing blood to rush into the area. Lower the water temperature to expose the body to cold water for a few minutes, causing blood to retreat from the limbs and rush toward the internal organs. Repeat this treatment regularly for the best results.
Ingest a regular dose of cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper increases healthy blood flow by stimulating the heart and strengthening the body's arteries and capillaries. Doctors recommend taking cayenne pepper in a powder form rather than a capsule form, as the powder is more effectively absorbed by the body.
Breathe deeply and avoid stress. Stress deprives the limbs of proper blood flow by limiting blood circulation to only the major organs. Take time out of each day to slow down and practice deep breathing and meditation exercises.
Engage in regular exercise such as walking. Walking helps get blood pumping and increases the body's natural circulation process. Over time even moderate physical exercise can greatly improve blood circulation throughout the body.