Fluid on the Knee Exercises
Fluid on the Knee
Fluid on the knee, also known as water on the knee, creates swelling in the joints of one or both knees. Common causes for fluid on the knee include arthritis (osteoarthritis, gout), injury from overuse (excessive running or playing high impact sports such as tennis or racquetball) or bacterial infection. Those who are overweight may also experience fluid of the knee because of increased pressure placed on the knees.
Muscle toning and stretching exercises are recommended to those who suffer from fluid on the knee to help relieve pressure and encourage weight loss. Before starting any exercise program, see your physician to determine the causes of knee pain. Bacterial infections need to be treated with medication to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas in the body.
Quarter Squats
Quarter squats help you avoid putting excess pressure on knees while strengthening leg, back and gluteal muscles. Stand with your back flat against a wall. Bend while keeping your back straight. Buttocks should be firmly against the wall. Bend slightly at first and hold this position for at least five seconds. Repeat and bend a little further. Try to repeat this exercise 10 times.
Leg Raises
Leg raises help strengthen hamstring and other muscles in the leg. Lie down on your back and bend the affected knee. Leave the other leg straight on the ground. Raise this leg off the ground at least three inches and hold for at least five seconds. Repeat at least ten times to complete one set. Try to complete three sets at one time.
Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises help tone and maintain muscle development in legs, thighs and hips. Stronger muscles help distribute and carry weight while reducing pressure on your knee. Stretching exercises include the quad stretch and the hamstring stretch.
To perform a quad stretch, take hold of the foot connected to the leg of the affected knee in your hand. Gently pull and hold for at least 30 seconds. Release the foot. Repeat at least 10 times. If you need to steady your body during the stretch, stand behind a chair and hold onto the back of the chair using the opposite hand.
To perform a hamstring stretch, sit on the floor with both legs in front slightly spread apart. Try to keep the leg of the affected knee straight as you bend forward at the hips. Try to reach your foot. Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds.
Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is a series of exercises that take place in the water. For those with severe pain, performing muscle toning and stretching exercises in the water reduces pressure on the knee. Water aerobics classes are offered in some gyms, public pools or in many physical therapy clinics.