Pulmonary Vascular Disease & Proper Dieting
Hypertension Diet Theory
Follow a basic diet to curb hypertension, if you are currently suffering from pulmonary vascular disease. According to information from Colorado State University, a hypertension diet focuses around three separate but equally important components--restriction of sodium and an increase in the consumption of both calcium and potassium. All three of these strategies will help to naturally lower blood pressure resulting from pulmonary vascular disease, improving your quality of life without undue compromise (See References).
Hypertension Diet
Limit your daily consumption of sodium to between 1,100 and 3,300mg per day to lower blood pressure. To accomplish this, wholly eliminate your use of table salt, as just one teaspoon of table salt contains around 2,000mg of sodium. In addition to never using table salt, avoid the use of canned, frozen and otherwise preserved products, as they tend to have a lot of sodium added to help retain freshness. Subsist on a diet of fresh vegetables and meats instead, and where you absolutely must use a canned good, wash the contents completely before serving, as this will help to flush away some of the added sodium.
Increase your consumption of the following foods to increase your overall intake of both calcium and potassium: dairy, bananas, avocados, cantaloupe, raisins and nuts. Beyond striving to modulate your intake of these specific items, you should also be eating a well-balanced diet, rich in natural fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and natural fat, while avoiding consumption of sugars, white flour items and alcohol.