Blood in Stool During Weight Loss
Many things can cause blood in the stool while a person is losing weight. Rapid weight loss can cause the body to go into starvation mode. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America says that blood in the stool can happen when people with digestive disorders begin dieting. These people may also have other symptoms like bloating or stomach upset as well. If a person must lose weight due to a medical condition or doctors orders they may need to be monitored closely, especially when blood in the stool is a result of the weight loss.
Another common causes of blood in the stool during weight loss is dehydration and taking laxatives. When some people are on a weight loss plan they may try to clean out their colon by taking laxatives or herbs to get rid of excess fecal matter. Consult your doctor right away or stop the cleanse if you see blood in the stool. Lack of water can also cause blood in the stool because water contributes to a healthy digestive system. When you deprive your body of water the tissues inside can be dry and irritated. This can result in constipation and hard stools that can scrape the colon and cause this delicate tissue to bleed.
In addition, people with eating disorders may also see blood in their stools as they lose weight. Over time the digestive system can become irritated and bleed from the esophagus due to continual burning from throwing up. The blood will be dark or even black by the time it reaches the colon. People with bulimia need professional help to overcome their disorder.
Blood in the stool during weight loss can also be caused by an underlying medical condition.
There are many variations of what blood in the stool can look like during weight loss. For instance, blood can be bright red or pink when it is coming the colon or anus from hemorrhoids. Blood can also be brownish, auburn or tarry black. Sometimes blood in the stool is not recognized right away because it can blend in with the stool. Stools should be brown most of the time, depending on what was eaten. This is not an easy topic to talk about, but you should always keep an eye on what is in the toilet to be sure that your digestive tract is healthy.
Blood in the stool during weight loss can relate to causes that have a dramatic effect on a person, especially if the blood loss is significant. If left untreated this can lead to anemia from a drop in red blood cell count. In addition, blood in the stool can also cause a person to feel fatigued. Sometimes treatment is needed by a gastroenterologistm if an underlying medical condition is the cause.
If you are on a weight loss plan, you can usually prevent this unpleasant side effect. If you have any type of digestive disorder, talk to your doctor before starting a colon cleanse or extreme weight loss regimen. You may need to lose weight or cleanse your bowels more slowly. Your doctor may want to monitor you closely, especially if you have had this problem before. You can also prevent this from happening if you lose weight slowly and drink plenty of fluids. You should always look at your bowel movements to be sure everything looks healthy. Most people should be having three bowel movements per day. If you are constipated, try taking cod liver oil each day and eat fiber rich fruits and vegetables several times per day.
If you see blood in your stool while losing weight, you need to get help immediately. Blood in the stool is usually a sign that something is wrong. You may only have hemorrhoids, but you could also be suffering from intestinal bleeding, an obstruction or cancer. Blood is not something you should see in your stool.