Facts on The Psychological Effects of Male Impotence
Impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is defined as being unable to have or maintain an erection for completion of sexual activity.
For many men their sexual performance is directly tied to their self-esteem and confidence. When unable to perform sexually, many men report a negative impact on their self-esteem and confidence. This impacts all areas of his life, including familial relations, friendships and business.
Isolation and Hopelessness
Men suffering from erectile dysfunction often isolate themselves from their partners and families. This creates feeling of hopelessness and can erode relationships.
When unable to perform sexually a man can feel guilt at not being able to satisfy the needs of his partner.
Relationships with Partners
Erectile dysfunction not only causes a physical problem but often there is a circular logic that develops. As the man believes he must perform, when unable to, he feels humiliated or embarrassed and may withdraw from relationships. This causes more stress and anxiety and pressure to perform; thus, the cycle continues.