Benefits From Stem Cell Research
Stem cells begin as undifferentiated cells. Each stem cell has the potential to develop into any type of specialized cell, such as tissue or organs. Stem cells divide and renew themselves for a long time.
Understanding Cell Differentiation
Scientists seek to discover exactly how undifferentiated stem cells develop into specific types of tissue and organs. Once this is understood, scientists could direct the stem cells to develop into certain types of cells as needed.
Cell Replacement Therapy
The National Institutes of Health see potential for stem cells to be used as a "renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases including Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis." This could replace other types of transplants.
Stem Cells and Drug Testing
By developing specific types of cells from stem cells, scientists would have the ability to test new drugs on human cells instead of animals. For example, they could develop cardiac cells from stem cells to test a new drug for cardiovascular disease.
Stem Cells and Cancer
Cancer is the process of abnormal cell division and differentiation. By studying the process of normal cell division and differentiation in healthy stem cells, scientists can better understand abnormal cancer cells in order to develop therapies and cures.