How to Minimize the Effects of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a widespread medical condition afflicting millions of Americans every day. Because of cultural attitudes, they can be embarrassing to discuss, but fortunately they are easy and inexpensive to treat, especially when symptoms are mild. Hemorrhoids are often aggravated by negligence, and you may get significant relief just by changing a few behaviors.

Things You'll Need

  • Bath salts
  • Hydrocortisone cream, 1 percent
  • Stool softener
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      Relieve irritation by taking a hot bath or shower. A bath in particular may relieve mild symptoms completely. While in the tub, try not to sit too heavily on the affected area. Consider having several baths in the course of the day for added relief. Instead of regular baths, you might take sitz baths if you have the facilities and dexterity to do so.

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      Avoid additional irritation. Wipe gently after using the toilet. Try to avoid unnecessary walking for a day or two, and don't sit on any firm surfaces like bicycle seats or hard floors. Avoid caffeine and other substances that constrict blood vessels.

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      For fast relief, or to be able to resume your normal activities, treat the affected area with a 1 percent hydrocortisone cream or ointment. This is available at any drugstore. In addition to name brands like Preparation H, drugstores also sell generic "anti-itch" creams that usually cost much less but have the same active ingredient. Check the "Uses" category on the information label to make sure that "anal itching" is specified. When applying the cream, use a gentle blotting motion rather than wiping. Be sure that you actually do apply the cream in the affected area, right up at the anal opening.

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      For severe hemorrhoids, consult your doctor for more rigorous treatment options. Once a hemorrhoid occurs, it is much more likely to occur again.

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      Practice prevention. Treat constipation by drinking more water (or tea), taking in more dietary fiber and using laxatives when necessary, so that your stools are soft and thin. Wipe gently (but thoroughly) after using the toilet. Bathe regularly and always rinse your bottom. At the extreme, get chronic hemorrhoids treated surgically.

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