Who Can Benefit From Compression Therapy?
The heart circulates blood throughout the body, but has to work against gravity when returning blood from the legs to be re-oxygenated. Compression garments encourage the muscle contractions that fuel blood circulation while preventing the accumulation of blood and lymph fluid that causes edema.
Compression garments can come as socks, stockings or bandages. Compression bandages are usually worn at night and the socks or stockings are for day use.
Compression therapy help people with leg aches and the start of varicose veins, in addition to reducing swelling, improving circulation and is beneficial as a complementary treatment for superficial venous reflux---a condition that causes blood to pool in the legs due to injury or disease that damages the valves in the legs' circulatory system.
Compression therapy is often used in conjunction with a Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) procedure, where the accumulated fluid is drained from the veins. Compression garments are beneficial for preventing the return of excess fluid.
Expert Insight
A joint study conducted by Cheltenham General Hospital, Southmead Hospital, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust and the Royal Hospital in Cheltenham, Gloucester, U.K., confirmed compression therapy was beneficial for healing leg ulcers, especially when paired with surgery to correct superficial venous reflux.