Physical Therapy for a Dislocated Knee
Static Quadriceps Contractions
When a knee is dislocated the quadriceps should be looked after to prevent deterioration and to bring the patella into its correct position. Perform quadriceps contractions to strengthen the quadriceps and ease pain in the knee. Hold the injured leg straight out in front of you with the knee slightly bent so that it does not lock during the contraction. Keep the toes pointed up towards the ceiling. Squeeze the muscles in the thigh so that the quadriceps contract. Hold this contraction for 10 seconds and repeat. Work your way up from 10 contractions to 20.
Leg Extension
Sit in a char with both feet firmly on the floor. Keep your back straight and your hands on your hips. Straighten the leg with the toes pointing toward the ceiling. Tighten the quadriceps at the front of the thigh at the top of the lift. This helps strengthen the quadriceps, the muscles around the patella and the hamstrings, the muscle set at the back of the leg. Once your knee has recovered slightly, add a resistance band to the exercise by attaching one end to the chair and the other to the ankle. Repeat this exercise 10 times for three sets.
Squat with Swiss Ball
Stand with a Swiss ball between the back and a wall. The Swiss ball should rest at the lower back. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart with your arms to your side or resting on your hips. Bend the knees slowly and lower your body towards the ground. Use the ball as support and lean against it if there is any pain. Do not allow the knees to go over the front of your toes; if they do, you are bending too far. Hold the squat for five seconds, then slowly return to the beginning position. As you get stronger and more comfortable with the exercise, eliminate the Swiss ball.