The Best Type of Diet for Hypothyroid Pre-Diabetic
Fruits and Vegetables
A patient who is pre-diabetic and has hypothyroidism should consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables that contain less starch, such as green beans, are better than high-starch vegetables. The University of Maryland suggests avoiding vegetables that may interfere with thyroid function, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage and soybeans.
Whole Grains
The American Diabetes Association recommends eating whole grains in place of processed, white grains. Eating whole grains and fewer processed foods also supports thyroid function.
The American Diabetes Association suggests that a pre-diabetic diet should include fish two or three times per week and lower-fat meats such as lean chicken or beef. For supporting thyroid function, the University of Maryland suggests eating fewer processed meats (fast food, deli meat) and more lean meats and legumes for protein.
Part of a pre-diabetic diet is including low-fat or fat-free dairy in meals. Patients with hypothyroidism should first ensure that they do not have an allergy to dairy products.
Recommendations for both hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes include limiting trans fats. Liquid oil should be used in cooking rather than butter or solid fats. Processed high-fat foods such as cakes, doughnuts and fast foods should be avoided.