Home Remedy for Elephantiasis
Black Walnut Oil
Purchase a bottle of black walnut oil from a local health food store or online. Add three drops to one cup of warm water, and drink the solution twice a day. Once ingested, the compounds within the oil will work to kill the adult parasites, effectively reducing the number of worms entering the bloodstream as juveniles. Because black walnut oil it is most effective on adult worms, it needs to be taken every day for approximately six weeks in order to ensure its effectiveness.
Wormwood is a common ingredient in a number of commercial anti-parasitic treatments. It contains antimicrobial chemicals known as lactones. Direct contact with lactones causes damage to the external membranes of the infective roundworms. Wormwood can be taken in capsule form or purchased as a tincture and added to everyday beverages. For the greatest effect, wormwood should be taken two to three times each day for at least one month, as this will ensure the decimation of the entire internal parasite population.
Use cloves as a seasoning as often as possible. The enzymes found in cloves will help kill any juvenile parasites, effectively removing them from the bloodstream. Buy whole cloves and grind them yourself for the best results, or add whole cloves to hot coffee and tea. Alternatively, you can purchase encapsulated ground cloves in the vitamin section of your local supermarket. According to Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, the use of cloves in conjunction with wormwood and black walnut is one of the most effective ways to rid the body of internal parasites.
To enhance the overall effect of these three treatments, make some simple additions to your daily diet. Garlic and pineapple both contain enzymes that have valuable anti-parasitic properties that can help to rid your body foreign invaders. Additionally, eating foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, sweet potatoes and apricots can help increase the body's resistance to parasitic infection by strengthening the structural membranes.