Home Remedy for Nasal Dryness & Soreness
The age old remedy of inhaling vapor steam is still a great way to counter a dry or sore nose. Boil a bowl of water and place it in the floor. Put a blanket over your body and bend over within safe distance of the boiling water and take deep breaths of the steam. Breathing in vapors can be repeated as many times as you feel comfortable with. A couple of points need to be remembered though. Getting too close to the boiling water may result in blisters to the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Your proximity to the steam should be just close enough to induce sweating. You should also remove your glasses first, if you wear them, as they will fog up. Over the coutner medicines such as Vicks vapor rub can also be used to achieve the same effect.
Home Remedies
Onions and garlic have substances that stimulate the production of mucus. This is very useful in healing a dry nose. A dry, stuffy nose can also be cleared with a saline spray. A moisturizing cream applied inside the nose may also have a clearing effect. If you have a hard time applying the cream, you can use a Q-Tip. Applying petroleum jelly into the inside of the nose is also a good home remedy for dry nose. Sesame oil is another equally useful remedy for a blocked, dry nose. Clarified butter can also be applied on the nose many times a day.
Home remedies are great at healing a dry nose, however, when they are tried after the nose becomes dry, they take time to act. Basic can be very effective at preventing the nose from becoming dry or sore in the first place. The leaves of this plant, taken with equal quantities of dried ginger powder can help keep the causes of a dry nose at bay. Staying hydrated by consuming lots of water is also a good preventive measure.