How to Treat Severe Lymphedema in Both Legs
Learn exercises that encourage circulation of lymph fluid. You do not need to engage in strenuous activity; gentle movements are best. Work with a doctor or a lymphedema therapist to learn the proper movements. Commit to doing these exercises as instructed to achieve maximum benefit.
Wrap your legs with bandages. This facilitates the movement of lymph fluid from your legs to the trunk of your body. Start wrapping from the toes up the leg, loosening the bandage as you move up the limb. A lymphedema therapist will show you the proper way to wrap your leg and give you any other pertinent information.
Use manual lymph drainage. This is a special form of massage that helps transport lymph fluid to healthy lymph nodes, where it can drain properly. A lymphedema therapist can perform this massage and also show you how to do it yourself. This therapy is not appropriate if you have skin infection, active cancer, blood clots or congestive heart failure. Do not touch areas that have been treated with radiation.
Wear pneumatic compression sleeves on your legs. This sleeve is joined with a pump that periodically inflates the sleeve. This temporary pressure on your legs carries lymph fluid away from the affected area. Your doctor or therapist can advise you about this treatment.
Wear compression garments to ease swelling. You will need to have your garment specially fitted. Your health care provider can instruct you where to get one.
Talk to your doctor about surgery if the above measures are not providing sufficient relief. Surgical procedures remove extra tissue in the leg. This can dramatically relieve present swelling but it is not a cure. Your doctor will determine if you are a candidate for surgery.