How to Test for Hypocalcemia
Many people grow up hearing that they should drink their milk, because calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth. This is true, but the nutrient also plays a role in metabolic function within the body. Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine recommends that adults consume between 1,000 and 1,300 mg of calcium daily. A lower-than-normal level of calcium in the body is called hypocalcemia. Blood tests can diagnose this condition.Instructions
Recognize the symptoms of hypocalcemia and report them to your doctor so she can test you for low blood calcium. According to the University of Michigan Health System, people who suffer from this condition may experience muscle spasms and numbness or tingling in the facial area. Neurological symptoms such as hallucinations, mood changes and memory loss can also indicate hypocalcemia.
Ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your calcium levels. Testing for hypocalcemia requires a simple blood draw. Your levels of vitamin D and magnesium will be measured at the same time, as these nutrients play a role in how calcium is absorbed and managed in your body.
Discuss the possibilities of kidney disease or parathyroid disorders with your doctor. These medical conditions can cause hypocalcemia if left untreated. Blood tests can be performed to assess kidney and parathyroid function.