Home Remedies for Fluid on the Elbow
Stop Repetitive Use
Sometimes fluid on the elbow occurs because a person is doing something repetitive with the elbow such as leaning on it for long periods on a desk for example. Identify what is causing the fluid on the elbow, which is one of the key steps to being certain that fluid on the elbow has a chance to completely heal. Otherwise, it is possible to re-injure it.
Cold/Warm Applications
Ice will help to decrease the swelling caused by fluid on the elbow as well as reduce inflammation and pain. Warm compresses will make the elbow bursitis feel better as well. According to Dr. Richards, an orthopedic surgeon from Orlando, FL, applying ice in a terry cloth towel to the elbow for 15 minutes, then applying a warm towel to the elbow for 15 minutes is the way to get the most out of both treatments. Alternate between the two for relief of discomfort and to bring down the swelling.
Once the elbow begins feeling better, exercise it by putting it through range of motion exercises. The idea is to stretch the muscles to keep them limber, which in turn will help the elbow bursa to stay healthy and keep inflammation and pain to a minimum.
Calcium, Vitamin B12, Magnesium
To help the inflammation and pain associated with fluid on the elbow go away, follow a diet rich in vitamin B12, calcium, and magnesium. When there is not enough of these vitamins and minerals present in the diet, it can take longer for elbow bursitis to heal.
Mullein Tea
Soak a piece of terrycloth in mullein tea and apply it to the elbow for 20 minutes every hour. Don't leave it on there for any longer as mullein tea can irritate the skin. This treatment is best combined by alternating it with applications of ice.
Lobelia Oil
Apply lobelia oil to the elbow to help relieve the stiffness associated with elbow bursitis. This will make exercising the elbow easier and, as such, speed up the healing process.