Exercises to Strengthen Hip & Leg for Knee Pain
Leg Exercise
Strengthen the muscles on the front of your thigh by performing this simple and effective drill. Recline on the floor, resting back on your elbows and forearms with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Initiate the movement by fully straightening the affected leg, keeping the muscles of the thigh clenched and your leg resting on the ground. You should feel a "burning" sensation in the muscles of the quadriceps (the front portion of the thigh), which will escalate in intensity the longer you keep your leg elevated. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds or until your leg becomes fatigued. Repeat for a total of five to10 times.
Hip Flexor Exercise
Lie on your back on the ground with both legs straight in front of you. Raise the affected leg several inches off the ground by using the muscles of your hip, keeping your leg straight and your knee locked throughout. Hold here for five to 10 seconds or until your hip flexor becomes overly fatigued. The hip flexor is the muscle group located at the top of the front side of the thigh, which is where the majority of the tension during this exercise should be located. Slowly lower your leg back to the ground while being careful to maintain full control (i.e., do not relax the muscular tension to let your leg drop freely), and then repeat for a total of five to 10 more times.
Use a medicine ball (or basketball) to perform another easy strengthening exercise for the hips. Sit on the edge of a table with your legs dangling off, holding the ball between your knees. Press the ball inward with your knees, using the muscles of your hips to squeeze the ball. Hold the peak contraction for five to 10 seconds before relaxing slightly, repeating the movement for a total of five to 10 times. Perform all of these exercises daily (or twice daily) to increase your leg strength and provide some measure of relief from knee pain.