How to Keep Nose From Stopping Up
Things You'll Need
- Neti pot
- Sea salt
- Water
- Small saucepan
- Towel
- Steam
- Vapor rub
Warm up one cup of distilled water in a saucepan. Add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and mix well. Pour this mixture in to your neti pot. Tilt your head to the left and insert the nozzle of the neti pot in to your right nostril. Pour half of the liquid in, being sure to hold a towel under the left nostril to catch the draining liquid. Repeat this procedure with the other nostril. The neti pot can be used to unclog your nostrils no matter what the cause of the stuffiness.
Keep steam in the air to keep your nose from clogging up. The tiny droplets of water keep the mucus in your nasal passages from becoming thick. You can get steam from a shower, hot bowl of soup or from a humidifier.
Rub some vapor rub on your chest, or directly under your nose. If you suffer from sensitive skin, you can rub the vapor rub on your shirt. The smell of the menthol will keep your airways open.
Keep your head elevated. You may need to prop it up with a few extra pillows when you are ready to go to bed. This will allow your nose to drain, and keep it from getting stopped up when you lay down.