What Type of Body Odor Does Coffee Give Off?
When the body is overheated, in order to cool off it produces eccrine sweat, a mixture of water, salt, urea and lactic acid. Under stress, however, the body produces apocrine sweat, which is a fatty liquid that produces odor when broken down by bacteria.
The effects of stimulants are similar to that of stress, including raised temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. The caffeine in coffee is only a mild stimulant, but it can still lead to increased production of apocrine sweat, causing body odor.
Other Causes
Hormone imbalances, antibiotics (which kill good bacteria in the body), digestion problems, chronic anxiety, liver or kidney disease, poor hygiene and certain antidepressant medications can also cause body odor.
Eliminating coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages from your diet, along with abstaining from nicotine and other stimulants, can help reduce apocrine sweat and prevent body odor.
To help minimize the effects of apocrine sweat production and body odor, bathe regularly, use deodorant and antiperspirant under the arms and dry sweaty areas with body powder or baking soda. Natural remedies, such as rosemary or thyme, essential oils, sage tea and green tea extract, may help block odor and prevent bacterial growth.