Different Ways to Cure Carpal Tunnel
Some hand exercises can help your hand tendons increase mobility while also strengthening your hand muscles and enabling regular blood flow.
Rotate your wrists, clockwise and counterclockwise fives times each.
Stretch your right thumb, holding it by the left and, vice versa.
Spread out your fingers on both hands for 5 seconds. Then use your hands to squeeze a stress or rubber ball for a few seconds.
Medication and Surgery
Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and aspirin to treat the pain brought about by the swelling of the tendons.
Cortisone injections are another option. The affected area is injected with a steroid such as cortisone to relieve the pain. This is the usual treatment for pregnant women suffering from CTS, and is also useful for those who do not respond very well to anti-inflammatory or nonsteroidal drugs. Cortisone injections work by shrinking the tendons and reducing the pressure on the median nerve. This can provide pain relief for up to six months or even longer.
Carpal Tunnel release is a surgical procedure used to treat CTS. It is performed by cutting the carpal tunnel's ligament (located on its roof), to reduce and alleviate the pressure on the median nerve.
Alternative Therapies
Acupuncture can be an effective form of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. During an acupuncture session, very thin needles are inserted into particular pressure points. Traditional Chinese medicine practices this in order to remove energy blockers from the body's pathways to promote the healing process. Some even refer to acupuncture as a means to release natural painkillers to the human body. It promotes blood flow and provides balance for the body's systems. To treat CTS, needles are inserted into pressure points located in the hand, wrist, thumb and even the arm. The required number of sessions will depend on the severity of your pain and your overall condition.