Heart Conditions in Humans
Angina is chest pain caused by a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. This is often, though not always, caused by clogged arteries.
Arrhythmia is a disruption in the heart's rhythm, often experienced as palpitations, skipped beats or "flip-flops." Arrhythmia has a number of causes, including congenital heart defects, electrolyte imbalance, heart muscle conditions or heart attack damage.
Congenital Heart Defects
A congenital heart defect is an abnormality in the heart's structure that is present from birth. These can range from very treatable conditions such as a "hole in the heart" to rare, often fatal defects such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, in which the left side of the heart does not develop properly.
Heart Failure
Heart failure is when the heart's ability to pump blood is weakened, eventually resulting in further damage to the heart and, in many cases, a buildup of fluid within the body.
Heart Disease
Also known as coronary artery disease, this condition is the result of a buildup of cholesterol deposits in the arteries, preventing blood from reaching the heart muscle.
Cardiomyopathy is a weakening or thickening of the heart muscle, which can eventually lead to heart failure.