Fibroid Surgery Advice
Myomectomy or Hysterectomy
The doctor may want to do a myomectomy or a hysterectomy. If you plan to have more children, the myomectomy should be considered as one of your options. This procedure removes the fibroids without taking out the healthy tissue inside your uterus, leaving you capable of carrying a child to full term. If the fibroids are embedded deep inside your uterus, you may need a caesarian section to deliver after a myomectomy. The physician will perform major surgery, which means making an incision in your abdomen, or he will use laproscopy or hysteroscopy, which is less invasive. The size of the fibroids will determine which type of surgery is necessary. New fibroids can form inside your uterus and cause more trouble later. If you do not plan to have any children, you might consider having a hysterectomy, which means the physician will remove your uterus. Women who have large fibroids and heavy bleeding, and who are near menopause, usually choose this treatment.
Endometrial Ablation or Myolysis
Other options for fibroid surgery are endometrial ablation or myolysis. During the endometrial ablation, the lining of the uterus is removed or destroyed to control the patient's heavy bleeding. There are many methods of doing this, from laser treatment to freezing the lining. This is minor surgery and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Complications of this surgery are very uncommon. Myolysis is also considered a minor surgery. With this procedure, a needle is inserted into the fibroid. An electric current or a freezing mechanism will destroy the tumor.
Finally, you could choose to have uterine fibroid embolization. A tube is threaded into the blood vessels that supply blood to the fibroid. Small gel particles are injected into the blood vessels, thus blocking the blood supply to the fibroid. This causes it to shrink. This is also an outpatient procedure.