Natural Alternatives to Get Rid of Gall Stones
High-Fiber Diet
Eat a high-fiber diet to help remove the stones from the gallbladder. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains. According to the American Dietetic Association, an adult should have between 19 to 25 grams of fiber a day for women and 30 to 38 grams for men. Include unsaturated fats into the diet to help promote the dissolving of gall stones. Fish and nuts are good sources of unsaturated fats. These foods also help prevent gall stones from forming in the future.
Vitamin Supplements
Choose foods that are high in vitamins C and E to dissolve and prevent future gall stones. Gall stones, according to the Mayo Clinic, form more often in individuals who do not receive enough vitamin C, vitamin E and calcium. Eat oranges and citric fruits for vitamin C, eat nuts for vitamin E and drink milk for calcium. Supplements can be taken as well, but according to the Mayo Clinic, there have been few studies that prove supplements prevent the formation of further gall stones.
Home Remedies
Take 20 ml of olive oil daily orally to help dissolve gall stones. Mix the olive oil with the juice of half a lemon and a small piece of garlic in a glass and drink it. Drink the juice of the lemon's other half later in the day.
Try a gallbladder flush. Flush the gallbladder by warming two-thirds of a cup of olive oil and mix it with one-third of a cup of lemon juice. Sip the mixture and go to bed lying on your right side with your right leg held up by a pillow. This will pass the stones with your stool in the morning. On the day of the flush, try to eat only leafy vegetables and fruit.