Explain Heart Palpitations
According to the Mayo Clinic, heart palpitations can include skipped heartbeats and might include strong heartbeats that can be felt in the chest, neck or throat. Dizziness or shortness of breath can develop with heart palpitations.
Doctors use a stethoscope to listen to a patient's heartbeat and might perform tests such as an electrocardiogram, Holter monitoring or an echocardiogram. Doctors look for an underlying heart condition that might cause palpitations.
Strong emotional responses, caffeine and nicotine can cause heart palpitations. Cold, cough and asthma medications can contain stimulants that could cause this condition.
Patients with congenital heart disease or heart valve problems might become faint because of heart palpitations. Worsening palpitations can result in the pooling of blood, the formation of blood clots and a stroke.
The risk of heart palpitations can be decreased by reducing stress and anxiety, avoiding stimulants and avoiding illegal drugs such as cocaine.