Chlorella & Mercury Removal
Chlorella is algae, one of the most chlorophyll rich organisms on the planet. Chlorella synthesizes metal binding proteins by absorbing them through the outer layer of the organism. It appears to bind heavy metals in the bowels and helps with the detoxification process, and has been shown to help with mercury detoxification.-
Mercury is a neurotoxin. Prolonged exposure to high levels of mercury can cause permanent brain damage. Treatment for mercury poisoning involves administering a chelator, which helps to move mercury out of the blood and away from the brain. Chlorella, with its natural ability to bind metals, is a popularly incorporated into mercury detoxification regimens. Rich Carson, who suffers from mercury poisoning and includes chlorella in his treatment, takes chlorella capsules with each meal Although the body will attempt to rid itself of mercury through the digestive process, Carson explains that mercury is often reabsorbed into the blood in the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorella helps to ensure that the mercury reaches the bowels and is excreted. Dr. Joseph Mercola explains that 1 tsp. of chlorella per day "will thoroughly coat your intestine and bind like a sponge to any mercury that the DMPS liberates into the gut."
DPMS is defined as 2,3-dimercapto-propane-sulfonate and is a heavy metal detoxifier prescribed to adults. Chlorella can be purchased from online suppliers or your local health food and vitamin store. About one-third of patients cannot tolerate chlorella for gastrointestinal reasons, and should take ProChitosan instead. Your doctor can help you determine your tolerance to chlorella and what your daily dosage should be.