How to Supplement Vitamin D With Liver Disease

Many patients suffering form chronic liver disease also suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Whether this relationship is causal or correlative is not yet clear. However, it is clear that these patients require careful vitamin D supplementation to avoid bone deterioration. Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, the most important nutrient for healthy bones. Fortunately, you can take several steps to receive supplemental vitamin D.

Things You'll Need

  • Foods high in vitamin D
  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Consultation with a physician
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      Eat foods high in vitamin D. You can craft a diet full of vitamin D by adding a few key foods to your kitchen. Fish is a great source, especially salmon, halibut, and mackerel. Milk and dairy products are high in vitamin D, as well as soy and oatmeal.

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      Take vitamin D supplements. These can be found at health or grocery store. You may see two options, vitamin D2 and D3, being sold. These two variants of vitamin D are similarly priced and are thought to be similarly effective. However, some physicians advocate choosing D3 over D2; vitamin D3 is naturally made by humans, while vitamin D is produced by plants and fungus.

      You may also find fish oil or cod liver oil in the supplement aisle; these are great natural ways to greatly increase your intake of vitamin D.

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      Receive vitamin D replacement therapy from your doctor. This is the most drastic form of treatment, requiring a prescription. These drugs, such as ergocalciferol, provide extremely high doses of vitamin D for patients with severe deficiency.

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