Natural Food Remedy for Menopause
Phytoestrogen copies the behavior of estrogen in the body, therefore reducing menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. Phytoestrogen occurs naturally in certain foods. According Mayo Clinic , the two main types of phytoestrogen include isoflavones and lignans. The best source of isoflavones is soy. Other isoflavones foods include miso, tempeh, tofu, okra, vegetarian burgers, chickpeas and other beans such as navy beans, pigeon peas and split peas. You can include these foods in your diet, especially soy flour, soy milk and tofu.
Lignans are found in "flaxseed, whole grains and some fruits and vegetables," as stated by Mayo Clinic. Flaxseed or flaxseed oil have been recognized for lower symptoms related to menopause. Flaxseed can be mixed with water or juice, whole or crushed, or taken as a capsule or liquid, as stated by National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Flaxseed oil is unstable, so don't cook with it. Instead use it on salads, oatmeal, in a fruit smoothie or add a small amount to your yogurt.
Fatty acids are essential for hormone production. These foods help maintain healthy hormone levels throughout the body, especially during menopause. You should eat oily fish at least three times a week. Oily fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines. In the book, "Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way," other essential fatty acids you should include in your diet consist of nuts, seeds and whole grains.
Vitamins are always necessary nutrients to keep the body balanced and healthy. Vitamin E has been effective in reducing a few symptoms related to menopause such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, according to "New Medicine: Complete Family Health Guide." In fact Mayo Clinic recommends a nutritional diet that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Vitamin E rich foods you can eat include mustard greens, spinach, turnip greens, sunflower seeds and almonds. Daily vitamin E intake should be 400 IU.
You also need to get enough calcium of between 1,200 mg and 1,500 mg daily. Calcium is an essential mineral the body needs to keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis. Foods rich in calcium to include in your diet would be orange juice fortified with calcium, low-fat plain yogurt, tofu, instant oats, cabbage, white beans, turnip greens and almonds.
Reducing the amount of caffeine and alcohol you drink can help lower menopause symptoms. Slowly wean yourself off the caffeine by switching to decaffeinated. This way you can avoid experiencing mild to severe headaches. "Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way" recommends drinking at least six glasses of water daily to keep the hot flashes away.