How Much Flaxseed Oil Should I Take to Help With Menopause?
Indications for Menopause
Menopause is a time of extraordinary hormonal upheaval in a woman's body. As the ovaries shut down and fire back up only to shut down again, many women feel as if they are at war with themselves. One common complaint of menopause is hot flashes, which are caused by the body's misguided desire to rid itself of heat. The hormonal roller coaster signals the body that it's too hot (just before a hot flash) and blood vessels dilate, sending heat to the face and upper body. The only way to stop a hot flash before it happens is to balance the hormones that trigger the flash in the first place.
For that many women--and even some doctors at the Mayo clinic--swear by flaxseed oil.
Flaxseed oil comes in both liquid and soft gel capsule forms and is best taken as systemic support for all of the body's systems. Adults should take 1 to 2 tablespoons daily (try mixing it in a salad dressing), or up to two soft gel capsules. Start with 1,000 mg per day to see if your hot flashes dissipate, and slowly add more. Do not exceed 3,000 mg per day, and try to take the supplement with a meal. Using flaxseed oil does have some side effects, including nausea, bloating and diarrhea, although most women report those subsiding within a week.
Flaxseed oil can interfere with the absorption of other medications and should be taken at least two hours before or after another medication. Children should only take flaxseed oil if directed by a health care provider.
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