Facts About Amberen
Amberen's active ingredients lie in its blend of salts, especially ammonium succinate, calcium disuccinate and magnesium disuccinate. These ingredients help improve communication between the body and hormone-producing glands and organs. All active Amberen ingredients are natural and unregulated by the FDA.
How It Works
Amberen stimulates the hypothalamus, improving communication between it and the brain. This, in turn, "normalizes" the function of the ovaries and adrenal glands and stimulates hormone and enzyme production, leading to an easing of menopausal symptoms. Amberen is a helpful prescription for many women.
In a double-blind clinical study, Amberen treatment effectively increased estrogen levels (specifically estradiol) in women. This also eased signs of aging, such as loss of bone and joint strength.
Side Effects
In clinical trials, users reported no significant Amberen side effects, although some users noted positive effects of hormone normalization, loss of excess weight and improved sex life. Such Amberen side effects were appreciated by the patients!
Who Shouldn't Take Amberen
According to Amberen's manufacturer, those with thyroid malfunctions, including goiters, or those who have extreme hypertension (high blood pressure) should not take Amberen as the ingredients in Amberen may interfere with these conditions and their medications.