Remedy for a Canker Sore Inside the Lip

Canker sores are a painful reality of life for many individuals. Between 20 and 40 percent of Americans will have a canker sore during their lifetime, usually occurring in children. No one is exactly sure about the causes of canker sores, but it is commonly accepted that they are the result of the body's interaction with the immune system. Other causal factors may include bacteria, stress, and heredity. Even though doctors are not absolutely sure about why we get canker sores, you can employ several remedies yourself.
  1. Using Potassium Chlorate

    • Try washing your mouth out with 1 cup of water mixed with 1 tsp. of potassium chlorate. This will change the pH balance of the mouth and possibly kill the bacteria that aggravate the canker sore.

    Using Maalox

    • Another useful mixture is 2 tbsp. of Maalox mixed with 1/2 tbsp. of Benadryl. Like the step above, this mixture will change the pH balance of your mouth.

    Using Medication

    • Purchase medications at your local drugstore to help relieve canker sores. First, purchase calamine lotion and rub it directly on the canker sore. Also, if the canker sore persists after using home remedies and/or medications, use ointments with numbing ingredients such as Oragel. Using this type of product will not cure the canker sore, but it will give some temporary pain relief.

    Seeking Medical Treatment

    • In some situations, a canker sore will remain in your mouth for a prolonged period. If you become concerned about how long you've had a canker sore, contact your doctor. There, the doctor may apply steroid salves directly on the canker sore as this is a common medical treatment.

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