How to Cure Chronic Dry Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Eye drops
- Prescriptions
Restasis is the only FDA-approved eye drops that not only provide temporary lubrication but also cause the eyes to begin to produce their own tears. Most over-the-counter eye drops merely provide a temporary solution, but with continued use Restasis can restore natural tear production.
Two medications are given specifically for patients who have dry eyes and are suffering from Sjogrens. Sjogrens is a disease in which the body's own immune system attacks moisture-producing areas of the body, such as the tear ducts and saliva glands. Patients often take Salagen orally to help prompt the tear ducts to produce more tears. A topical drop, gel or ointment called pilocarpine has also been shown to increase the flow of tears.
A procedure called temporary punctal occlusion can be used if all else fails. With this procedure, temporary plugs that dissolve are used to block the tear ducts that drain into the sinuses, so doctors can determine if enough tears are then available for the eyes. If this works, a permanent procedure is performed.
If a temporary punctal occlusion proves effective, doctors will then move to the next step and make the surgery permanent. This surgery is called permanent punctal occlusion. Plugs, often made of silicon, are placed in the tear ducts. They can be removed if necessary, but many patients report a vast improvement and a reduction in their need for tear drops and ointments.