How to Treat Feminine Odor
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Yogurt
- Loose clothing
- Condoms
Seek medical attention to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. If you are sexually active, or have been in the past, the odor may be the result of an STD. It is imperative that you rule this out before proceeding.
Use condoms if you are sexually active. Besides reducing the risk of STDs, they will eliminate harmful bacteria from infecting your vagina through body fluids from your partner. This is a common cause of feminine odor.
Increase your yogurt intake. Plain yogart is very benificial to the natural flora within your intestinal track and reproductive system. It inhibits the growth of bad bacteria while increasing healthy bacteria.
Implement vaginal hygiene techniques. Wash your feminine area frequently, but avoid douching, which can actually reduce healthy bacteria in the urinary tract and reproductive system. Stay away from fragrant soaps and perfumes in the femine area.
Wear loose breathable fabric, such as cotton, for your underwear and pants. Synthetic fibers can cause sweat to accumulate in the feminine area and aid in the production of smelly bacteria.