HCG Side Effects for Males
Breast Enlargement
One of the side effects for males using HCG is the development and growth of breasts in men. According to the University of New South Wales, this is due to the stimulation of luteinising hormone--commonly referred to as LH. This is the hormone that triggers sex hormones, including those that stimulate breast development. As a naturally occurring hormone, HCG is what triggers breast development in women when they are pregnant and the opening of milk ducts in the breasts.
Another side effect for males using HCG, according to the University of New South Wales, is severe acne. Acne is a condition that is common in puberty for both boys and girls and can be the result of changing skin conditions. Acne occurs when skin pores become infected and develop pus pockets. Severe acne can also result in severe scarring if skin pores remain infected. Acne can occur on the face, chest and back.
Mood Changes
Dramatic changes in mood can be the result of using HCG. According to the University of New South Wales, the use of HCG--which is considered an anabolic androgen steroid (AAS)--can result in emotional havoc for users. Moods can change quickly from euphoric and happy to angry and dangerous. This volatile change in moods can be dramatically different from the natural mood of the individual using the steroid and often alerts others to the use of an illegal substance.
Fluid Retention
According to the University of New South Wales, another side effect of the use of the anabolic steroid HCG in men is chronic bloating and fluid retention. This is formally known as edema and can create other health problems. As a steroid, other organs become inflamed and suffer from fluid retention, including the heart and lungs. These organs must work harder in order to be effective and individuals using HCG can be subject to heart problem symptoms such as palpitations, irregular heart beat and even heart attack.
Prostate Hypertrophy
In men, the prostate is the organ what surrounds the urethra as it leads to the penis. It is also key in the production of seminal fluid, which is the fluid that holds sperm when a man ejaculates. According to the University of New South Wales, the use of HCG leads to the shrinking of the prostate, which results in reduction in the production of seminal fluid and potential infertility in men.