Natural Healing for a Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is a condition that occurs when fat builds up in your liver. For some people, excessive alcohol intake can lead to a fatty liver, but it also sometimes occurs in non-drinkers. Most often, people are unaware they have a fatty liver since it has little or no symptoms but it can cause liver scarring. While there are no medical treatments for the condition, there are natural ways for you to heal yourself and your liver.
  1. Lifestyle Changes

    • Simple lifestyle changes can help not only heal fatty liver but also improve your overall quality of life. Losing weight is an important way to cut down the amount of fatty cells that are in your body. One way to lose weight is make sure you get regular exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic, 30 minutes of exercise per day can help you lose weight, even light exercise like swimming, walking or riding a bike. If you are a diabetic, controlling your blood sugar can also help heal fatty liver disease.


    • Dietary changes are another important way to fight off fatty liver disease. It is important not to take in anything that will put stress on your liver like alcohol and drugs. In terms of food, make sure you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoid foods loaded with saturated fats. Other important things to include are foods full of healthy fats like fish and nuts and whole grains like brown rice and breads made from whole wheat. Keeping your cholesterol under control is also important for overall liver health.


    • According to the Mayo Clinic, results from clinical trials exploring the effect of vitamins on a fatty liver came back disappointing. While the antioxidants in vitamins theoretically should help liver function and cut down inflammation, these clinical trials did not support that theory. Rather than get antioxidants from vitamin supplements, a safer way to obtain them is by eating fruit and vegetables, such as dark leafy greens and berries.

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