How to Cure Cold Sores in One Week
Things You'll Need
- Topical medications
- Non-prescription pain relievers (optional)
- Anti-viral pills (optional)
- Ice
- Tea bags
If you have had cold sores before you may recognize the slight tingling at a spot before a cold sore erupts. If so, apply either an over-the-counter or prescription-strength ointment to the site. Abreva (docosanol) appears to be the only non-prescription product shown to improve the healing if used immediately.
For frequent cold sores, ask your doctor if he recommends one of the antiviral pills that help work against cold sores. These currently include Zovirax (acyclovir) and Valtrex (valacyclovir).
Ease the symptoms of pain and itching by applying a non-prescription treatment which include lidocaine or benzyl alcohol, such as the brand Zilactin. Relief normally lasts under 30 minutes so you will need to reapply it often. You can also use specialized products containing allantoin, dimethicone, or petrolatum to moisten the sore and prevent cracking.
To relieve pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (branded as Tylenol and others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), or aspirin. However, do not give aspirin to children since aspirin has the potential to cause Reye's syndrome.
Apply ice when you feel that first tingling; it may help limit the outbreak. But once the cold sore appears, warm tea bags applied for about 10 or 15 minutes are considered by some to help heal cold sores more quickly.