All-Natural Cure for Tendonitis of the Knee
Most cases of knee tendonitis do not require a visit to the doctor, as there is a method known as RICE that has proven effective in relieving this condition. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. If pain occurs during a sporting activity, you should stop the activity and get rest immediately. Ice helps reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in the knee joint area. However, ice should not be kept on the knee for more than 20 minutes at a time or applied directly to the knee without wrapping it in a towel or another cloth first. Compress the knee joint by wrapping it in an Ace bandage. Finally, make sure the leg is elevated.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Early rehabilitation therapy may prevent further knee tendonitis and help the knee joint return to normal function faster. Stretching is a good way to increase blood flow and strengthen muscles. For individuals suffering from mild to moderate knee tendonitis, strengthening exercises, such as lunges, squats and leg presses, can help strengthen the knee joint and reduce tendon inflammation.
There are several specific exercises designed to reduce the effects of knee tendonitis while strengthening knee joint muscles. For example, leg raises and step-up exercises improve endurance and build leg muscles. Agility exercises, such as jumping rope and running drills, increase speed and quickness. Hamstring and quadriceps stretches increase flexibility, reduce pain and improve the function of these muscles. In addition to regular sports training exercises, athletes are also encouraged to practice plyometric movements, as well, such as split squat jumps, zigzag hops and single-leg lateral hops.
Herbal Supplements
Taking herbal supplements such as devil's claw, nettle and teasel root is also a great way to reduce inflammation, strengthen tendons and increase blood flow to the knee joint area. Most of these supplements can be taken as an alcoholic extract, pill or tea. Other effective herbal supplements include willow bark, magnesium, licorice and echinacea.