Blood in Stool Due to Weight Loss
When a person does not eat enough fiber they can become constipated. When they attempt to have a bowel movement, they strain and push to try to eliminate but nothing happens. This straining can cause hemorrhoids which over time may become severe and cause bleeding during elimination.
Some dieters realize that a high percentage of calories come from what they are drinking. Many types of drinks like sodas or alcohol are high in sugar, so many dieters stop drinking them and turn to diet drinks. This too can lead to constipation and hemorrhoids. People who are dieting need plenty of pure water for a healthy digestive tract. Not only can this cause bloody stools, but dehydration can also change the size and color of the stool.
People with bulimia can experience bloody stools. Bulimics vomit to rid themselves of food. If this is done over a long period of time damage can be done to the esophagus and it can bleed into the stomach. This causes bloody and discolored stools. Blood in the stools can be a result of bleeding that occurs anytime during the digestion process.
In an attempt to lose weight quickly, a dieter may use laxatives. But instead of having a normal bowel movement, diarrhea occurs and over time it can cause irritation to the bowel lining. This can also cause swelling and hemorrhoid symptoms and a loose, watery and bloody stool. The national institutes of health cite that when taken in large quantities, ingredients found in some laxatives can cause collapse, coma and even death.
According to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, people who have the medical condition colitis can suffer from bloody stools especially when they are dieting. Because people with colitis already have problems with their digestive tract, eliminating or adding certain foods can worsen the condition. Along with bloody stools, people with colitis who are affected by dieting can also have fever, bloating and diarrhea.