Proper Use of a Nebulizer
Assemble the nebulizer correctly for efficient use. Put the nebulizer in a location where it can easily reach a power source. Measure the medication to the amount specified by the physician and add it to the medicine chamber. Connect the plastic tubing to the nebulizer base, including the optional finger valve if it comes as part of the machine's setup. Make sure the tubing is attached properly so that there are no holes. Attach the desired mouthpiece to the end of the tubing.
Using the Nebulizer
Turn the machine on so that the medicine begins to process as mist. Place the nebulizer mouthpiece in the mouth between the teeth with the lips closed around it. If it is a nebulizer with a mask place the mask around the mouth. Breathe out to empty the lungs of air. Cover the finger valve to start the mist. If there is no finger valve, the machine will begin to mist automatically. Breathe the mist in slowly, counting to five seconds. Hold the breath for 10 seconds letting go of the finger valve to stop the mist. Breath out the mist. Continue this process until the dose of medicine has been used.
Cleaning the Nebulizer
Clean the nebulizer after each use. Remove the mouthpiece or mask and the elbow from the cup that holds the medicine. Remove any tubing from the nebulizer. Do not rinse or clean the tubing as this will effect the mist traveling through the tube during future use. Rinse the mouthpiece or mask and the elbow in warm water for 30 seconds. Remove the excess water by shaking the pieces then place them on a clean towel to dry.