Male Genital Thrush Cure
Caues and Symptoms
Male yeast infection can be caused by the use of antibiotics or be transmitted sexually. With prolonged use, antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria that are essential components of the body's micro-organisms. When these bacteria are destroyed, they become outnumbered by the yeast organisms that will eventually invade and take over an area of the body. A yeast infection can also be transmitted sexually. If your partner has an infection and you make intimate contact, you will be exposed to candida bacteria and potentially become infected yourself.
Diabetes is another common cause of male yeast infections as diabetics are more prone to developing an excess of thrush bacteria. This could be caused by yeast organisms that feed off the increased levels of sugar in the diabetic's blood system.
Common symptoms of male yeast infection include soreness, itching and irritation in the penis' head. The head of the penis may also have an inflammation and the presence of small blisters. A burning sensation may also be experienced while urinating. Some males can also have white discharges similar to that of women.
Over-the-counter topical creams such as Monistat-1 and Monistat-2 are available and can be applied directly to the effected area to eliminate yeast. Some creams are fast acting and you will begin to notice a relief in symptoms within a day or so of applying the medications. Follow the directions for application on the package when using an over-the-counter cure for a male yeast infection. Doctors can also prescribe pills such as Diflucan (fluconazole) and Nizoral (ketoconazole) to treat yeast infections. These oral medications can begin to work on reducing the levels of thrush in the body within days.
Natural Remedies
Cold pressed coconut oil which is fortified with lauric acid, makes for an effective natural remedy for male yeast infections due its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is applied topically on the infected area to relieve pain and itch, and to moisturize dry skin
Garlic also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Eat a clove of garlic per day or a garlic pill if you dislike its pungent flavor. You may also use garlic paste wrapped in cheese cloth or gauze and applying it in the affected area.
Oregasil or oregano oil is rich in anti-fungal and anti-microbial agents. Because it is quite potent, dilute the oregano oil in some water or coconut oil before applying it to the affected area.
Load up on yogurt. Plain, sugar-free yogurt is an effective remedy to battle yeast infection. The lactobacillus acidophilus found in yogurt will supply your system with the good bacteria it needs to fight off infections.