Low Adrenal Symptoms
The two types of low adrenal problems are Addison's disease, which is the result of the underproduction of the hormone coritsol, and secondary adrenal insufficiency, which is the underproduction of the hormone adrenocorticotropin.
Initial Symptoms
Initial symptoms of low adrenal problems include weight loss, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, and fatigue.
Later Symptoms
Symptoms of low adrenal problems showing up later in the disorder include low blood pressure, headache, irritability, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and irregular menstrual periods.
Addison's Diseae Symptoms
Low adrenal problems specific to Addison's disease include a darkening of the skin known as hyperpigmentation. It is most visible on scars, lips, toes, knees, and knuckles.
Adrenal Crisis
When symptoms of Addison's disease get worse quickly it is called an adrenal crisis. These symptoms include dehydration, severe vomiting and diarrhea, sudden pain in the back, stomach or legs, and a loss of consciousness.