What Is Candida Yeast Support?
What Causes Candida Overgrowth?
Two main factors contribute to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the body: use of antibiotics and an unhealthy diet. Antibiotics can kill off healthy bacteria, creating an environment where Candida can grow unchecked. Even if you do not take prescription antibiotics, you may be exposed to antibiotics in your meat and dairy foods. A diet lacking in vitamins and nutrients can cause a weakened immune system that allows Candida to thrive. Candida also feeds on sugar, so a diet high in sugar or refined foods can encourage its growth.
Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth
Candida overgrowth can cause problems in the nervous, digestive, reproductive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms can vary from person to person or even within an individual from one day to the next. Candida is responsible for vaginal yeast infections, jock itch and athlete's foot. It can also cause headaches, cloudy thinking, itching in the rectum or ears, oral thrush, sensitivity to fragrance or other chemical and excessive fatigue, among others.
How Candida Yeast Support Works
Candida Yeast Support combats Candida overgrowth in two ways: by directly attacking the Candida, and by helping to repopulate the intestinal tract with healthy bacteria. Candida Yeast Support contains three strains of bacteria that are very aggressive in fighting Candida. It also contains prebiotics, which are foods to nourish the healthy bacteria in your system. When healthy bacteria are encouraged to grow and reproduce, they begin to crowd out the Candida.
Why Is Candida Yeast Support More Effective?
The bacteria used in Candida Yeast Support are reportedly more aggressive towards Candida than the bacteria found in other probiotics. Other forms of Candida treatment may contain healthy microorganisms but lack the prebiotics used to feed and repopulate the existing beneficial bacteria in the body. Candida Yeast Support guarantees effective removal of Candida and resolution of symptoms without the necessity of making radical lifestyle changes or altering your diet.
Other Benefits
Candida Yeast Support offers a risk-free 40-day free trial. If you order the product from the manufacturer's official web site, you can try Candida Yeast Support by just paying for shipping and handling. If you are not satisfied with the product after 40 days, you may return the bottle and will not be charged. This offer is available world-wide.