How to Balance Adrenal Glands
Adrenal imbalance is responsible for a myriad of problematic symptoms ranging from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to depression, weight loss, lack of libido, inability to think clearly, low energy and a host of other symptoms, many looking like hypothyroidism or common traits of menopause. Balancing the adrenal glands can be done with natural supplements, diet and lifestyle changes.
Things You'll Need
- Adrenal cortex glandular supplements
- Pregnenlone
- Natural progesterone cream
- Vitamin C
- Hormone tests
Make lifestyle changes if you have symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. Additional symptoms to watch for are hair loss, chilliness, digestive disturbances, a craving for salty foods, muscle and joint pain, excess anxiety and nervousness as well as a compromised immune system. Reduce stress levels by eliminating anything you can that creates conflict in your life.
Make dietary changes. Eat more organic foods, especially fruits and vegetables which provide the proper nutrients to nourish your body. Drink adequate amounts of water daily. An adequate amount of water consists of ½ oz. of water per pound of body weight. A person weighing 150 lb. needs 75 oz. of water daily. Always eat breakfast and don't skip meals.
Choose fresh and unprocessed foods. Eliminate chemically processed commercial foods such as those found in cans and packages which provide little nutrition. These foods often contain MSG and other preservatives that may interfere with proper nutrition.
Get a good night's sleep. Sleep helps to regulate bodily functions and regenerate proper production of all the body's hormones, neurotransmitters and digestive functions. Lack of sleep adds to stress levels causing more strain on the adrenal glands.
Include essential fatty acids in your diet in the form of Omega 3 and 6 oils.
Eliminate sugar, white flour products and alcohol from the diet. Sugar stimulates the adrenal glands raising blood sugar and creating undo stress. You should see a big difference in your energy level and how you feel overall after removing these empty calories from your diet.
Take a natural adrenal support supplement to aid in sleep, improve circulation and help balance all adrenal hormones. According to Dr. Rodger Murphree of Birmingham, AL, people taking 500 mg of adrenal cortex glandular supplements twice a day usually experience improvement in overall health within about two weeks. (Reference 1)
Consider supplementing with DHEA and pregnenolone, two important adrenal hormones. Consult a holistic healthcare practitioner for advice on how to take these and get tests that will indicate amounts and frequency of dosage. According to Dr. Murphree, most women need between 10 to 25mg of DHEA daily, and men with adrenal imbalance need 50 to 100mg daily. Use micronized DHEA or sublingual supplements.
Consult with your healthcare practitioner about using natural progesterone cream to balance adrenal gland hormone production and reduce symptoms of peri-menopause.
Increase vitamin C supplementation. Dr. Murphree also recommends taking larger than average amounts of vitamin C to balance and restore the adrenal glands. Start with 1,800 to 2,000mg a day and increase dosage until bowel tolerance is reached. When you experience loose bowels, back off the dosage until normal bowel movements resume and stay at the dose.