Lateral Plantar Nerve Pain
Lateral plantar nerve pain is characterized by pain under the heel and on the inside of the ankle.
The lateral plantar nerve is located on the foot. It starts near the back of the inside arch on the side of the foot, and curves under the foot to reach the smaller two toes. The lateral plantar nerve can also be called Baxter's Nerve.
According to Podiatry Today, lateral plantar nerve pain occurs when the lateral plantar nerve becomes entrapped in the heel due to inflammation or repeated injury.
Lateral plantar nerve pain is treated by wearing arch supports and taking non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like ibuprofen. Cases of Baxter's nerve pain which do not respond to this treatment can be treated with surgery.
According to Podiatry Today, sufferers of lateral plantar nerve pain are often misdiagnosed with plantar fascilitis, a degenerative condition of the foot.