Can You Have an Allergic Reaction to a Tuberculosis Test?
Mantoux Skin Test
In the Mantoux test, TB protein is injected just beneath the skin. The site is checked 48 hours later. If an identifiable bump has appeared, a TB diagnosis is made. However, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada (Sanofi Pasteur Limited, Health Canada's Health Products and Food Branch, Risk of serious allergic reactions following Tuberso, the test does pose risks of allergic responses. Adverse reactions can include blistering or local skin necrosis (1 to 2 percent), anaphylaxis, swelling of the skin around the mouth and eyes, swelling of the throat and hives (also known as urticaria). The more serious reactions occur in only 1 per million doses. Testing is not advised for pregnant women.
QuantiFERON TB-Gold (QFT) Test
In 2006, the FDA approved the use of the QuantiFERON blood test to screen for TB. Whilst there are currently no noted adverse reactions with this test, the cost of the testing means that it is not readily available.
Chest X-Ray Test
Chest X-rays are generally carried out to rule out any lung infection, or to exclude the possibility of TB in those who registered a positive reaction to the Mantoux test. Radiography should not be used as a diagnostic method if a patient is pregnant as this can adversely affect the unborn fetus.
Sputum Sample Testing
Sputum testing over a 3-sample period can be used to diagnose TB. However, in those cases where the patient cannot provide enough sputum and the sputum is induced by an aerosol inhalation of saline---bronchospasm (tightening of the chest and difficulty breathing) may occur in patients who also suffer from asthma.
Proper medical assessment and professional advice should always be sought.
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